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Bookings made easy

Easily schedule meetings or book a hot desk in a few quick steps with our innovative, self-service Spaces Booking feature.


Easy to use software to fast track bookings.


Book spaces from any device and anywhere.


Swift scheduling and booking of meetings.


Create bookings that fit your schedule.

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User-friendly technology for real-time office space booking.

Customizable office space booking software.
Empower your business with an innovative software solution that enables self-service of the booking of boardrooms and office spaces. Schedule meetings and book relevant boardrooms to ensure on-time meetings and eliminate the hassle of searching for an open space in offices. Automated software that detects your position and reminds you to check into the space through a secure application.
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Enhancing corporate meeting room scheduling.
Creating workspace transparency for your business.



User-friendly software that is easy to use and it fast tracks the booking of office spaces at any time.



Book any office spaces from anywhere on any device with an innovative mobile application.



Intuitive technology that enables swift scheduling and booking of meetings in different offices.



Configurable software that enables you to create bookings that fit your schedule.

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Discover the benefits of booking your
desk and meeting rooms.
Flexible software for insights on your office space.


Overall visibility that showcase all your meeting rooms and desk spaces that are booked, in use and which spaces are available. Eliminate time wastage with digital dashboards that showcase your office space to ensure on-time completion of projects.

Real time view

Have access to real-time data on your office space and the schedule for each meeting room and desk space. Real-time data that updates after each booking has been placed on the application.


Gain insight on each meeting room and the reason for the usage of the space. Enable business continuity with on-time booking that showcase the importance and the tools that are needed to ensure on-time completion of projects.


User-friendly technology that you configure to your office spaces to enable business continuity on a global scale. A software solution that is scalable to your business and customizable to all your office spacing needs.
Time saving software for effective office space usage.
Time saving software for effective office space usage.

HR Artis is a complete Human 

Capital Management system.

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